Friday, November 16, 2007

The National Football League

The linemen give the passer time,
So the receiver can catch the ball.
Kickers need vital field position,
To score their three point call.
If a cornerback is beaten,
It is 6 points the other way.
Without a good defensive rush,
The defensive back has a long, long day.
A coach is as good as his players,
The game is won on the field of play.
Coaches can only prepare their players,
Pulling the wagon is the winners' way.
Special teams have become important,
As specialization is the rule of the day.
The exceptional play of spot players,
Keeps a team in the race to stay.
The dream of every football player,
Is to win the Super Bowl game.
It starts out in the playgrounds,
The pros feel the fire of that flame.


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